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2021-12-09 07:58:23 -08:00
var tipuesearch = {"pages":[{"title":" Search Attention Span History\n","text":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Search Attention Span History\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAttention Span History \n\n\nHome\n\n\nRSS\n\n\nTags\n\n\nTwitter\n\n\nGithub\n\n\nSearch\n\n\nSource\n\n\nDoc Blog\n\n\nFavorite Podcasts\n\n\nTrentReads\n\n\nArt\n\n\nEtymology\n\n\nOpera\n\n\nWar\n\n\nArchives\n\n\n\nSearch\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Proudly powered by Pelican,\n which takes great advantage of Python.\n \n\n\n","tags":"","url":""},{"title":"Xmas","text":"Where does the word Xmas come from? Early Christians used many symbols such as the Chi Rho, the Ichthys, the Anchored Cross, and the Sator Square. Chi Rho The Chi Rho , ☧ as explained in this YouTube Video , is a symbol composed by overlaying Chi and Rho, the first two Greek Letters in the word Christ . And well, it kind of looks like an X doesn't it? This is where the word Xmas comes from. Anchored Cross Early Christians also drew the Anchored Cross , ⚓ as explained in this YouTube Video , because it contains a cross. Ichthys The Ichthys ∝ , otherwise known as The Christian Fish Symbol , as explained in this YouTube Video , which early Christians used as a secret sign with which to identify each other, because Christ told several of his Disciples that he would make them Fishers of Men . Sator Square The Sator Square , as explained in this YouTube Video , is a mysterious square of 5 Latin words which mirror each other forwards and backward, both vertically and horizontally. A translation, derived from the nominal translations of the individual words in the context of the rotatability of their arrangement, would presumable be something like AS YE SOW, SO SHALL YE IN TURN REAP . R O T A S O P E R A T E N E T A R E P O S A T O R You can rearrange the letters into a cross contructed from the word PATERNOSTER , which translates to Our Father , decorated with the symbolic first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, Alpha and Omega , a title ascribed to God in Revelations, meaning The Beginning And The End . P A T A E O R P A T E R N O S T E R O O S A T E R Recommended I recommend watching the entire video because it is fantastic. In fact I recommend watching the entire playlist for the same reason. (You'll have to sign into to watch the video about Paul Rubens).","tags":"Art","url":"","loc":""},{"title":"Trebia Trasimene Cannae and Zama","text":"What are the four major Battles of the Second Punic War ? If you said, \"Trebia, Trasimene, Cannae, and Zama\", you are correct! Prologue In 218 BC, Carthaginian General Hannibal, with an army of 40,000 and more than 30 war elephants, crossed the Pyrenees Mountains , then crossed the Rhone River , and then crossed The Alps in winter, and invaded Northern Italy, otherwise known as Cisalpine Gaul . Trebia River In December, on a floodplain of the Trebia River , Hannibal decisively defeated a Roman Army led by Roman Consul Tiberius Sempronius Longus . Hannibal's Numidian Cavalry were instrumental in victory, and the Carthaginian Light Infantry out-flanked the Roman Infantry. But the battle was decided when a hidden Carthaginian unit ambushed the Roman Army from behind while they were engaged. Lake Trasimene In the Spring of 217 BC, Hannibal crossed the Apennine Mountains , marched for four days through the swamps near the mouth of the Arno River (which flows through modern Florence and Pisa), and ambushed a Roman Army which was led by Roman Consul Gaius Flaminius , as it marched along the shore of Lake Trasimene . This was (and still is), the greatest ambush in human military history. And once again the Roman Army was wiped out. Cannae Rome scrambled to rebuild it's army, and once again on August 2 216 BC, met Hannibal at the Battle of Cannae . This time the Roman Army was led by both Consuls : Gaius Terentius Varro , and Lucius Aemilius Paullus . Once again, Hannibal had more and better Cavalry. However the Carthaginian Ar