post_install() { echo "" echo " you might need to add the following to your init.vim/vimrc: \"let g:lsc_server_commands = {'dart': 'dart_language_server'}\"" echo "" echo " because syntastic doesn't work well with dart, you might need to also add the following to your init.vim/vimrc: \"let g:loaded_syntastic_dart_dartanalyzer_checker = 0\"" echo "" } post_upgrade() { echo "" echo " you might need to add the following to your init.vim/vimrc: \"let g:lsc_server_commands = {'dart': 'dart_language_server'}\"" echo "" echo " because syntastic doesn't work well with dart, you might need to also add the following to your init.vim/vimrc: \"let g:loaded_syntastic_dart_dartanalyzer_checker = 0\"" echo "" } post_remove() { echo "" echo " you may have added the following to your init.vim/vimrc: \"let g:lsc_server_commands = {'dart': 'dart_language_server'}\"" echo "" echo " because syntastic doesn't work well with dart, you may have also added the following to your init.vim/vimrc: \"let g:loaded_syntastic_dart_dartanalyzer_checker = 0\"" echo "" }