#!/usr/bin/env python3 import psycopg2 import psycopg2.extras from shutil import disk_usage def find_next_previous(photo, app_config): conn = psycopg2.connect( dbname=app_config['DATABASE_NAME'], user=app_config['DATABASE_USER'], host="/var/run/postgresql", password=app_config['DATABASE_PASSWORD'] ) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT count(id) FROM photo WHERE contributor_id=%s AND id > %s", (photo.contributor_id, photo.id)) count = cur.fetchone()[0] if count == 0: cur.execute("SELECT id FROM photo WHERE contributor_id=%s ORDER BY id", (photo.contributor_id, )) else: cur.execute("SELECT id FROM photo WHERE contributor_id=%s AND id > %s ORDER BY id", (photo.contributor_id, photo.id)) photo.next_photo_id = cur.fetchone()[0] cur.execute("SELECT count(id) FROM photo WHERE contributor_id=%s AND id < %s", (photo.contributor_id, photo.id)) count = cur.fetchone()[0] if count == 0: cur.execute("SELECT id FROM photo WHERE contributor_id=%s ORDER BY id DESC", (photo.contributor_id, )) else: cur.execute("SELECT id FROM photo WHERE contributor_id=%s AND id < %s ORDER BY id DESC", (photo.contributor_id, photo.id)) photo.previous_photo_id = cur.fetchone()[0] conn.close() def calc_additional_data(photo): photo.UploadDate = photo.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if photo.photo_raw_size >= 1048576: photo.SizeOnDisc = str(round(photo.photo_raw_size / 1048576, 1)) + 'M' else: photo.SizeOnDisc = str(round(photo.photo_raw_size / 1024, 1)) + 'K' if photo.photo_1280_size >= 1048576: photo.SizeOnDisc1280 = str(round(photo.photo_1280_size / 1048576, 1)) + 'M' else: photo.SizeOnDisc1280 = str(round(photo.photo_1280_size / 1024, 1)) + 'K' if photo.photo_480_size >= 1048576: photo.SizeOnDisc480 = str(round(photo.photo_480_size / 1048576, 1)) + 'M' else: photo.SizeOnDisc480 = str(round(photo.photo_480_size / 1024, 1)) + 'K' if photo.GPSAltitude is not None: photo.GPSAltitudeFeet = round(photo.GPSAltitude * 3.28084, 1) else: photo.GPSAltitudeFeet = None if photo.GPSLatitude is not None and photo.GPSLongitude is not None: photo.LatLong = "{},{}".format(photo.GPSLatitude, photo.GPSLongitude) photo.MapUrl = "https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query={}".format(photo.LatLong) else: photo.LatLong, photo.MapUrl = None, None def get_photo_list(contributor_id, app_config): conn = psycopg2.connect( dbname=app_config['DATABASE_NAME'], user=app_config['DATABASE_USER'], host="/var/run/postgresql", password=app_config['DATABASE_PASSWORD'] ) cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor) cur.execute("SELECT photo_name,id FROM photo WHERE contributor_id=%s ORDER BY timestamp,\"DateTimeOriginal\" DESC", (contributor_id, )) photos = cur.fetchall() conn.close() return photos def get_disk_stats(): disk_stats = disk_usage('/') return("Used {}GB of {}GB, {}GB free".format( round(disk_stats.used / 1073741824, 1), round(disk_stats.total / 1073741824, 1), round(disk_stats.free / 1073741824, 1) ))