extend README and add script

This commit is contained in:
Trent Palmer 2017-07-23 04:59:47 -07:00
parent 9152b3b339
commit f1d972d2c6
2 changed files with 80 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1,2 +1,42 @@
# hugo_themes_report
A Bash Script to Generate a Report and Rank Hugo Themes
The website for the themes for the Hugo Static Site
generator, don't tell you how popular, or how recently-updated
the themes are. But this bash script will parse the github
api, and generate a little report for you with the
number of stars, theme name, and date of most recent
But you'll need to set up a cron job, because you'll
run into the github api limit if you try to look up
info on all 172 themes at once.
## Here's how you would set up a cron on Ubuntu 16.04
You'll need to figure out what is your PATH.
echo $PATH
And then you'll want to export your EDITOR, because
the `crontab -e` command invokes whatever editor
you have specified in your environment. i.e. for
vim `export EDITOR=vim` or add `export EDITOR=vim`
to `.bashrc`, (and then . your bashrc again or
restart bash).
The command to edit cron is `crontab -e`, and here's
what a cron that runs once an hour, at ten minutes
after the hour looks like. The new cron won't exist until
you save AND close the editor, just saving the file isn't enough.
10 * * * * /home/<your user name>/bin/rank_hugo_themes.bash
Makes sure you make the script executable.
chmod 755 ~/bin/rank_hugo_themes.bash

rank_hugo_themes.bash Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# rank_hugo_themes.bash
# initialize an empty array
# and now populate HUGO_THEME_REPOS list
for hugo_theme_commit_url in \
"$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/gohugoio/hugoThemes/contents/ \
| grep git_url | grep -v null | grep -v gohugoio | awk '{print $2}' \
| sed -e 's/git\/trees/commits/g' | sed -e 's/,$//g')"
# just a few at a time because of github api limit
for num in {1..4}
# pick a random hugo theme repo
hugo_theme_user=$(echo $url | awk -F"/" '{print $5}')
hugo_theme=$(echo $url | awk -F"/" '{print $6}')
commit_hash=$(echo $url | awk -F"/" '{print $8}' | sed -e 's/"//g')
stars=$(curl -s "${REPOS_API_URL}/${hugo_theme_user}/${hugo_theme}" \
| grep stargazers_count | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/,$//g' \
| awk '{print $NF}')
last_commit_date=$(curl -s \
"${REPOS_API_URL}/${hugo_theme_user}/${hugo_theme}/commits/${commit_hash}" \
| grep date | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/"//g')
printf "%-8s %-20s %-20s %20s\n" "$stars" "$hugo_theme" \
"$hugo_theme_user" "$last_commit_date" >> ~/bin/rank_hugo_themes.log
# modify to taste
sort -rn ~/bin/rank_hugo_themes.log > ~/bin/rank_hugo_themes.report