import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart'; import 'database_helper.dart'; import 'dart:convert'; final EdgeInsets myBoxPadding = EdgeInsets.all(10.0); final Color navy = Color(0xff00293C); final Color peacockBlue = Color(0xff1e656d); final Color ivory = Color(0xfff1f3ce); final Color candyApple = Color(0xfff62a00); final String weatherApiUrlPrefix = ''; final String weatherForecastApiUrlPrefix = ''; Future> refreshTimeOffSet(String mapLocation, String latLong) async { final dbHelper = DatabaseHelper.instance; final int _timeStamp = newTimeStamp(); int _isAutoTimeOffset = await dbHelper.queryIsAutoTimeOffSet(mapLocation); String timeZoneApiUrl = '$latLong/?embed=location:nearest-cities/location:nearest-city/city:timezone/tz:offsets-now'; Response response; try { response = await get(timeZoneApiUrl); } catch (e) { print('$e in source file global_helper_functions.dart.getTimeOffSet'); } if (response.statusCode == 200) { Map responseJson; int offSetMin = 2000; try { responseJson = jsonDecode(response.body); offSetMin = responseJson['_embedded']['location:nearest-cities'][0] ['_embedded']['location:nearest-city']['_embedded'] ['city:timezone']['_embedded']['tz:offsets-now'] ['total_offset_min'] ?? 2000; } catch (e) { print( '$e in source file global_helper_functions.dart.getTimeOffSet, can\'t assign Map responseJson'); } Map row = { DatabaseHelper.columnMapLocation: mapLocation, DatabaseHelper.columnTimeOffSet: offSetMin, DatabaseHelper.columnTimeOffSetTime: _timeStamp }; await dbHelper.update(row); return ([offSetMin, _timeStamp, _isAutoTimeOffset]); } else { Map row = { DatabaseHelper.columnMapLocation: mapLocation, DatabaseHelper.columnTimeOffSet: 2000, DatabaseHelper.columnTimeOffSetTime: _timeStamp }; await dbHelper.update(row); return ([2000, _timeStamp, _isAutoTimeOffset]); } } Future> getTimeOffSet(String mapLocation, String latLong) async { final dbHelper = DatabaseHelper.instance; final int _timeStamp = newTimeStamp(); int timeOffSetTime = await dbHelper.queryTimeOffSetTime(mapLocation); int _isAutoTimeOffset = await dbHelper.queryIsAutoTimeOffSet(mapLocation); if ((_timeStamp - timeOffSetTime) > 604800) { String timeZoneApiUrl = '$latLong/?embed=location:nearest-cities/location:nearest-city/city:timezone/tz:offsets-now'; Response response; try { response = await get(timeZoneApiUrl); } catch (e) { print('$e in source file global_helper_functions.dart.getTimeOffSet'); int timeOffSet = await dbHelper.queryTimeOffSet(mapLocation); return ([timeOffSet, timeOffSetTime, _isAutoTimeOffset]); } if (response.statusCode == 200) { Map responseJson; int offSetMin = 2000; try { responseJson = jsonDecode(response.body); offSetMin = responseJson['_embedded']['location:nearest-cities'][0] ['_embedded']['location:nearest-city']['_embedded'] ['city:timezone']['_embedded']['tz:offsets-now'] ['total_offset_min'] ?? 2000; } catch (e) { print( '$e in source file global_helper_functions.dart.getTimeOffSet, can\'t assign Map responseJson'); } Map row = { DatabaseHelper.columnMapLocation: mapLocation, DatabaseHelper.columnTimeOffSet: offSetMin, DatabaseHelper.columnTimeOffSetTime: _timeStamp }; await dbHelper.update(row); return ([offSetMin, _timeStamp, _isAutoTimeOffset]); } else { Map row = { DatabaseHelper.columnMapLocation: mapLocation, DatabaseHelper.columnTimeOffSet: 2000, DatabaseHelper.columnTimeOffSetTime: _timeStamp }; await dbHelper.update(row); return ([2000, _timeStamp, _isAutoTimeOffset]); } } int timeOffSet = await dbHelper.queryTimeOffSet(mapLocation); return ([timeOffSet, timeOffSetTime, _isAutoTimeOffset]); } // should be similar to getWeatherForeCast(); Future getWeather( String mapLocation, String lattLong, bool stale) async { // final dbHelper = DatabaseHelper.instance; String weatherApiID = await getPreferenceOpenWeatherMapApiKey(); if (weatherApiID == 'none?') { return null; } else { int weatherID = await dbHelper.queryWeatherID(mapLocation); if ((weatherID == null) || (stale == true)) { List latLong = lattLong.split(','); String weatherApiUrl; if ((weatherID == null) || (weatherID < 0)) { weatherApiUrl = '${weatherApiUrlPrefix}lat=${latLong[0]}&lon=${latLong[1]}&units=imperial&appid=$weatherApiID'; } else { weatherApiUrl = '${weatherApiUrlPrefix}id=$weatherID&units=imperial&appid=$weatherApiID'; } try { Response response = await get(weatherApiUrl); if (response.statusCode == 200) { Map responseJson = jsonDecode(response.body); weatherID = (responseJson['id'] != 0) ? responseJson['id'] : generateFakeWeatherId(lattLong); Map row = { DatabaseHelper.columnMapLocation: mapLocation, DatabaseHelper.columnWeatherID: weatherID }; await dbHelper.update(row); Map row2 = { DatabaseHelper.columnWeatherWeatherID: weatherID, DatabaseHelper.columnWeather: response.body }; int weatherIDExists = await dbHelper.queryWeatherIDExists(weatherID); if (weatherIDExists == 0) { dbHelper.insertWeatherRow(row2); } else { dbHelper.updateWeathTbl(row2); } return response.body; } } catch (e) { print( '$e, can\'t connect to openweathermap in global_helper_functions'); weatherID ??= generateFakeWeatherId(lattLong); // assign if null String weather = await dbHelper.queryWeather(weatherID); return weather ?? 'NA'; } } else { String weather = await dbHelper.queryWeather(weatherID); return weather ?? 'NA'; } } return null; } // should be similar to getWeather(); Future getWeatherForeCast( String mapLocation, String lattLong, bool stale) async { // final dbHelper = DatabaseHelper.instance; String weatherApiID = await getPreferenceOpenWeatherMapApiKey(); if (weatherApiID == 'none?') { return null; } else { int weatherID = await dbHelper.queryWeatherID(mapLocation); if (weatherID == 0) { weatherID = generateFakeWeatherId(lattLong); } int weatherIDExists = await dbHelper.queryWeatherIDExists(weatherID); if (weatherIDExists == 0) { stale = true; } if ((weatherID == null) || (stale == true)) { List latLong = lattLong.split(','); String weatherForeCastApiUrl; if ((weatherID == null) || (weatherID < 0)) { weatherForeCastApiUrl = '${weatherForecastApiUrlPrefix}lat=${latLong[0]}&lon=${latLong[1]}&units=imperial&appid=$weatherApiID'; } else { weatherForeCastApiUrl = '${weatherForecastApiUrlPrefix}id=$weatherID&units=imperial&appid=$weatherApiID'; } try { Response response = await get(weatherForeCastApiUrl); if (response.statusCode == 200) { Map responseJson = jsonDecode(response.body); weatherID = responseJson['city']['id']; weatherID ??= generateFakeWeatherId(lattLong); // assign if null Map row = { DatabaseHelper.columnMapLocation: mapLocation, DatabaseHelper.columnWeatherID: weatherID }; await dbHelper.update(row); Map row2 = { DatabaseHelper.columnWeatherWeatherID: weatherID, DatabaseHelper.columnWeatherForecast: response.body }; int weatherIDExists = await dbHelper.queryWeatherIDExists(weatherID); if (weatherIDExists == 0) { dbHelper.insertWeatherRow(row2); } else { dbHelper.updateWeathTbl(row2); } return response.body; } } catch (e) { print( '$e, probably cant connect to openweathermap... no network connection? global_helper_functions.getWeatherForeCast'); weatherID ??= generateFakeWeatherId(lattLong); // assign if null String weatherForeCast = await dbHelper.queryWeatherForeCast(weatherID); return (weatherForeCast); } } else { String weatherForeCast = await dbHelper.queryWeatherForeCast(weatherID); return (weatherForeCast); } } return null; } BoxDecoration myBoxDecoration(Color color) { return BoxDecoration( color: color, border: Border.all( width: 2.0, ), borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(6.0)), boxShadow: [ BoxShadow( offset: Offset(2.0, 1.0), blurRadius: 1.0, spreadRadius: 1.0, ) ], ); } int newTimeStamp() { DateTime date =; return (date.millisecondsSinceEpoch / 1000).floor(); } String _latLongShortener(String latLong) { List _splitLatLong = latLong.split(','); List _splitLat = _splitLatLong[0].split('.'); List _splitLong = _splitLatLong[1].split('.'); String result = _splitLat[0] + '.'; result += ((_splitLat[1].length > 6) ? _splitLat[1].substring(0, 7) : _splitLat[1]); result += ',' + _splitLong[0] + '.'; result += ((_splitLong[1].length > 6) ? _splitLong[1].substring(0, 7) : _splitLong[1]); return result; } Future parseMapUrl(String mapUrl) async { if (mapUrl.contains('')) { try { Response response = await get(mapUrl); String mapInfo = response.body; RegExp _latExp = RegExp( r'()'); Match _latMatch = _latExp.firstMatch(mapInfo); RegExp _longExp = RegExp( r'()'); Match _longMatch = _longExp.firstMatch(mapInfo); String result = + ',' +; return _latLongShortener(result); } catch (e) { print( '$e can\'t connect to internet in global_helper_functions.parseMapUrl'); } } else if ((mapUrl.contains('')) || (mapUrl.contains(''))) { try { Response response = await get(mapUrl); RegExp gmapUrl = RegExp( r'[^/]*)/([^/]*)/data'); String mapInfo = response.body; Match match = gmapUrl.firstMatch(mapInfo); String subMapInfo =; RegExp subGmapUrl = RegExp(r'@([^,]*,[^,]*),([^,]*,[^,]*)'); Match subMatch = subGmapUrl.firstMatch(subMapInfo); String result =; return _latLongShortener(result); } catch (e) { print( '$e can\'t connect to internet in global_helper_functions.parseMapUrl'); } } } Future fetchElevation(String mapLocation) async { final dbHelper = DatabaseHelper.instance; String latLong = await dbHelper.queryLatNLong(mapLocation); if (latLong == 'NA') { return null; } else { String elevationServer = await getPreferenceElevationServer(); String elevationApiUrl = elevationServer + '/api/v1/lookup\?locations\=' + latLong; Response response; try { response = await get(elevationApiUrl); } catch (e) { print('$e in source file global_helper_functions.dart.fetchElevation'); return null; } if (response.statusCode == 200) { Map responseJson = jsonDecode(response.body); int elevation = responseJson['results'][0]['elevation']; return elevation; } else { return null; } } } String convertCoordinates(String latNLong) { try { List latLong = latNLong.split(','); List lat = latLong[0].split('.'); List long = latLong[1].split('.'); String latMinSec = getMinSec(lat[1]); String longMinSec = getMinSec(long[1]); String gpsDMS = lat[0] + '\u00B0 ' + latMinSec + ',' + long[0] + '\u00B0 ' + longMinSec; return gpsDMS; } catch (e) { print( '$e in source file global_helper_functions.convertCoordinates, function parameter probably not a valid latNLong string'); } } String getMinSec(String numString) { String numStringX = '0.' + numString; double num = double.parse(numStringX); int mins = (num * 100 * 0.6).floor(); double secs = ((((num * 100 * 0.6) % 1) * 100000 * .6).round() / 1000); String minSecs = mins.toString() + '\' ' + secs.toString(); return minSecs; } String weatherConditions(String weatherConditions) { int numSpaces = (' '.allMatches(weatherConditions)).length; if (numSpaces > 1) { int firstSpace = weatherConditions.indexOf(' '); int secondSpace = (weatherConditions.indexOf(' ', firstSpace + 1)); return weatherConditions .replaceRange(secondSpace, (secondSpace + 1), '\n') .toUpperCase(); } else { return weatherConditions.toUpperCase(); } } Future urlLaunch(String url) async { if (await canLaunch(url)) { await launch(url); } else { throw 'Could not launch $url'; } } int generateFakeWeatherId(String latLong) { List _latLongParts = latLong.split(','); List _shortLat = _latLongParts[0].split('.'); List _shortLong = _latLongParts[1].split('.'); String _fakeIDString = _shortLat[0].replaceFirst('-', '8') + _shortLong[0].replaceFirst('-', '8'); // you know a weatherID is fake because it is less than zero return (0 - int.parse(_fakeIDString)); } Future getPreferenceElevationServer() async { SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); String elevationServer = prefs.getString("elevationServer") ?? ""; return elevationServer; } Future setPreferenceElevationServer(String elevationServer) async { SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); bool committed = await prefs.setString("elevationServer", elevationServer); return (committed); } Future getPreferenceOpenWeatherMapApiKey() async { SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); String apiKey = prefs.getString("openWeatherMapApiKey") ?? "none?"; return apiKey; } Future setPreferenceOpenWeatherMapApiKey(String apiKey) async { SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); bool committed = await prefs.setString("openWeatherMapApiKey", apiKey); return (committed); } Future getPreferenceUseElevation() async { SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); bool _useElev = prefs.getBool("useElevation") ?? false; return _useElev; } Future setPreferenceUseElevation(bool useElev) async { SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); bool committed = await prefs.setBool("useElevation", useElev); return (committed); } Future getPreferenceUseWeather() async { SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); bool _useElev = prefs.getBool("useWeather") ?? false; return _useElev; } Future setPreferenceUseWeather(bool useWeather) async { SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); bool committed = await prefs.setBool("useWeather", useWeather); return (committed); } Future getPreferenceUseShareToMapQuest() async { SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); bool _useShareToMapQuest = prefs.getBool("useShareToMapQuest") ?? false; return _useShareToMapQuest; } Future setPreferenceUseShareToMapQuest(bool useShareToMapQuest) async { SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); bool committed = await prefs.setBool("useShareToMapQuest", useShareToMapQuest); return (committed); } Future getPreferenceDBExportFileName() async { SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); String dbExportFileName = prefs.getString("dbExportFileName") ?? "libre_gps_parser.json"; return (dbExportFileName.length > 0) ? dbExportFileName : "libre_gps_parser.json"; } Future setPreferenceDBExportFileName(String dbExportFileName) async { SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); bool committed = await prefs.setString("dbExportFileName", dbExportFileName); return (committed); } Future importDataBase(String importString) { final dbHelper = DatabaseHelper.instance; final int _timeStamp = newTimeStamp(); List _importJson = jsonDecode(importString); int _importJsonLength = _importJson.length; for (int i = 0; i < _importJsonLength; i++) { dbHelper .queryRowExists(_importJson[i]['mapLocation']) .then((int rowExists) { if (rowExists == 0) { Map row = { DatabaseHelper.columnMapLocation: _importJson[i]['mapLocation'], }; if (_importJson[i]['notes'] != null) { row['notes'] = _importJson[i]['notes']; } if (_importJson[i]['isAutoTimeOffset'] == 0) { row['timeOffSet'] = _importJson[i]['timeOffSet']; row['timeOffSetTime'] = _timeStamp; row['isAutoTimeOffset'] = _importJson[i]['isAutoTimeOffset']; } dbHelper.insert(row); } }); } return Future.value(true); }