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2021-08-04 10:19:09 -07:00
Title: Goldfinger Potentilla
Date: 2021-06-22
Category: Plant Of The Week
2021-09-18 17:12:06 -07:00
Tags: Flowering, Potentilla, Sun
2021-08-04 10:19:09 -07:00
Summaryimage: goldfinger-potentilla.jpg
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<img src="/images/goldfinger-potentilla.jpg" alt="Goldfinger Potentilla"/>
Are you wilting in the heat? Goldfinger Potentilla is a sun lover
that thrives in this heat!
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<img src="/images/goldfinger-potentilla1.jpg" alt="Goldfinger Potentilla"/>
The sunny yellow bloomer is perfect
for a hot dry place, like a sunny hillside or a xeriscape rock garden.
Potentilla is one of the longest blooming shrubs; it blooms all summer.
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<img src="/images/goldfinger-potentilla2.jpg" alt="Goldfinger Potentilla"/>
Goldfinger Potentilla grows 3 feet tall by 4 feet wide,
it is the perfect height in front of tall grasses or evergreens.
I also recommend planting Sedums, a sun loving groundcover, in front of
the Potentilla for a contrast in foliage and the sedum bloom in fall as
the Potentilla blooms fade.
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<img src="/images/goldfinger-potentilla3.jpg" alt="Goldfinger Potentilla"/>
Potentilla are naturally rounded, but can be
sheared after flowering to shape and encourage reblooming.
<del>The Goldfinger Potentilla is 15% off this week only $19.16 for a #5 shrub.</del>