Title: Forsythia Date: 2022-03-14 17:27 Category: Plant Of The Week Tags: Blooming, Shrub Summaryimage: forsythia2.jpg
Spring is around the corner! This week we have decided to have our forsythia's on sale! Each of these varieties are currently blooming! Once matured, growth size ranges from 5’-8’ tall.
They thrive in full sun to partial shade, fast growing, low maintenance, deciduous shrub that will provide spectacular colorful blooms in the early spring. We have them ranging from #2 to #5, 15% off this week. So come on in and grab one before they are gone!
On sale this week - Show Off, Meadowlark, and Northern Gold Forsythia. 🌼 Address: [24010 SE Hwy 212, Damascus OR 97089](https://maps.google.com/?q=24010 SE Hwy 212, Damascus OR, 97089){target=_blank}.