Hydrangea paniculata ‘Bobo’ is from the family of summer blooming, sun loving Hydrangeas. The Bobo flowers emerge a brilliant white, and age from pale pink to rosy pink, a much gentler shade than the paniculata Hydrangeas that turn maroon and burgundy.

The Bobo Hydrangea also stays a nice, compact 3’ high by up to 4’ wide and is perfect as a statement in a pot or in the middle of a flower border. Bobo Hydrangea needs at least 4-6 hours of sun, and can tolerate our late afternoon sun also. If the flowers fade or turn brown, cut them back and they will rebloom in the fall if we have a mild year.

Bobos can be picked for a sweet summer bouquet or dried for a fall/winter wreath after they turn pink.
The Bobo Hydrangea are on sale this week for 15% off or $25.60 for a #2 pot.