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    <time class="published" datetime="2021-07-01T00:00:00-07:00">
      Thu 01 July 2021
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            <a href="https://lmnwdemo.boringonian.com/tag/daisy.html">Daisy</a>
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  <img src="/images/patriotic-flowers.jpg" alt="Patriotic Flowers"/>
<p>Whether you lean red, blue, or somewhere in between we all love this country!
Time to celebrate with this patriotic special!💥  We have an awesome trio of red,
white, and blue plants this week.  We have chosen plants that combine height,
unique foliage, and long blooms for a summer of color.</p>
<div class="secondary-article-image">
  <img src="/images/mountain-frost-red-garnet-dianthus.jpg" alt="Mountain Frost Red Garnet Dianthus"/>
<p>At the front of the border
we have the long blooming Mountain Frost Red Garnet dianthus which boasts a saturated
red flower with a strong heavenly fragrance and spiky grey foliage.</p>
<div class="secondary-article-image">
  <img src="/images/snow-lady-shasta-daisy.jpg" alt="Snow Lady Shasta Daisy"/>
<p>For the middle of
the border we have Snow Lady Shasta daisy, a dwarf white daisy with a tidy habit that
will rebloom if deadheaded.</p>
<div class="secondary-article-image">
  <img src="/images/little-spire-russian-sage.jpg" alt="Little Spire Russian Sage"/>
<p>As a backdrop to these there is Little Spire Russian Sage
a 2’ tall blue flowering Russian sage. Airy spikes of blue flowers float over ferny grey
foliage and last through fall.  This compact Russian Sage is perfect for the smaller
garden border.  <del>Any of these plants are 15% off this week for only $6.83,
but we recommend all three for $20.49.</del> They make a ready to plant tiered border
arrangement, especially if you lost some plants in the inferno of last weekend.
Have a great Independence Day, and remember the hot dry weather means we are
at extreme fire danger so be safe out there! We will extend our plant of the week
through Thursday of next week as a special treat!</p>
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