Named after the goddess of love herself, Aphrodite hibiscus with make you swoon! This cold hardy hibiscus sports a heavenly pink flower with a dark center that glows in sunlight. The flowers drop after bloom so deadheading isn’t necessary. Hibiscus leaves have a unique shape and yellow fall color.

Plant can grow in full sun to part shade, and thrive in the heat of late summer. Plant at the back of the flower border; these can grow 8-12’. Aphrodite Hibiscus make a great backdrop for lime leaf colored spirea like Gold Flame, Gold Mound, or Little Princess, the hibiscus will start blooming as the spirea flowers fade. They can be pruned hard in the spring to keep them smaller.

Hibiscus tolerate a wide range of soils and are deer resistant.
We have the Aphrodite Hibiscus 15% off this week $17.89 for a #2 shrub, $26.24 for a #5.