Need a little Christmas?

Living Christmas trees are fantastic for porches, tabletops, or for those who want to grow a legacy. We have a choice of four trees, Colorado Spruce, Dwarf Alberta, Black Hills, or White Spruce in a #2 or #3 pot.

Trees come with a water catch tray, and a reuseable grow bag over the pot,
with a festive bow for $34.99.

We also have trees pre-decorated with LED lights and a Festive Christmas theme for
which makes an excellent grab and go gift,
or a quick way to "spruce" up your porch. All trees come with care instructions.
Trees are also available unwrapped at regular pricing.

If bigger is better, have a nice selection of larger evergreen trees that will make a statement in your landscape. Please reach out for questions on pricing for those. Landscape Materials Northwest 503-669-1268 or on Facebook messenger.