Title: Little Twist Fuji Cherry 2022
Date: 2022-03-23 16:56
Category: Plant Of The Week
Tags: Cherry, Tree, Foliage
Summaryimage: little-twist-fuji-cherry-2022.jpg
Here is a unique four season plant for the plant geeks out there!
Little Twist is an ornamental blossoming cherry with branches
that twist in a zig-zag as they droop gracefully downward.
The Little Twist Fuji Cherry makes a small accent tree at 6’ high and 5’ wide.
The barely pink blossoms cover the plant early looking shyly down at the ground.
This is a full sun, spotlight plant that will
grow an awkward shape if shaded on one side.
Foliage emerges bronze,
creates a green centerpiece in the summer and turns maroon in the fall.
This specialty plant is on sale this week for 15% off $18.46 for a #2 plant.