Title: Sunjoy Gold Pillar Barberry Date: 2021-08-10 18:24 Category: Plant Of The Week Tags: Foliage, Shrub, Drainage, Sun Summaryimage: sun-joy-gold-pillar-barberry.jpg
Sunjoy Gold Pillar Barberry
The Sunjoy Gold Pillar Barberry is an upright barberry with a striking yellow glow foliage, best used as a border or hedge that adds color to your landscape. A low maintenance shrub that grows 48” by 24” and thrives in well-drained soil and full sun.
Sunjoy Gold Pillar Barberry
In the fall, foliage turns into a bright orange-red color. 15% off of this week for $24.50 in a true 2 gal. If you have any questions contact us right here on Facebook, call us at 503-669-1268, or email us at sales@landscapematerialsnw.com.