Title: Raspbyberry Strawberry Date: 2021-04-13 Category: Plant Of The Week Tags: Edible, Berry Summaryimage: raspbyberry-strawberry.jpg <div class="primary-article-image"> <img src="/images/raspbyberry-strawberry.jpg" alt="Raspbyberry Strawberry"/> </div> Here is a special fruit from our farm! We are proprietary growers of the Raspbyberry Strawberry. This strawberry tastes like a cross between a raspberry and a strawberry, with none of the bitter after taste of strawberry and none of the soapy flavor of raspberries. <div class="secondary-article-image"> <img src="/images/raspbyberry-strawberry2.jpg" alt="Raspbyberry Strawberry"/> </div> Each plant produces a cluster of pure summer sweetness in a medium sized berry. After the harvest the Rasbpyberry Strawberry is a prolific spreader sending runners in all directions. <div class="secondary-article-image"> <img src="/images/raspbyberry-strawberry1.jpg" alt="Raspbyberry Strawberry"/> </div> Last fall we had strawberries growing in the gravel and all the neighboring plants; this is a one-time investment that keeps on giving! <del> This week they are on sale 15% off for $8.48 for a #1 pot with 2-3 plants per pot. </del>