Here’s a new introduction that we are thrilled to share with you for a perfect Mother’s Day treat. Baby Kim Lilac is a dwarf version of Miss Kim lilac. Like it’s parent, the Baby Kim has purple buds that open to pale pink flowers with a delightful fragrance. The Baby Kim lilac is 24-36” wide and 30-36” wide; so perfect for a front of the border plant or in a pot on the porch where the fragrance can spread a mighty welcome home.

Like all lilacs Baby Kim is deer resistant, and bloom best with at least 6 hours of sun.
Our flowers are fully budded so you (or mom) have weeks of fragrance to enjoy this spring.
These petite beauties are on sale this week for only $26.84, 15% off retail.

Come visit us at 24010 SE Hwy 212 Damascus OR 97089 (same location as Landscape Materials Northwest). Call with any questions 503-669-1268.