Are you wilting in the heat? Goldfinger Potentilla is a sun lover that thrives in this heat!

The sunny yellow bloomer is perfect for a hot dry place, like a sunny hillside or a xeriscape rock garden. Potentilla is one of the longest blooming shrubs; it blooms all summer.

Goldfinger Potentilla grows 3 feet tall by 4 feet wide, it is the perfect height in front of tall grasses or evergreens. I also recommend planting Sedums, a sun loving groundcover, in front of the Potentilla for a contrast in foliage and the sedum bloom in fall as the Potentilla blooms fade.

Potentilla are naturally rounded, but can be
sheared after flowering to shape and encourage reblooming.
The Goldfinger Potentilla is 15% off this week only $19.16 for a #5 shrub.