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Nspawn Containers


Arch Linux Wiki for Nspawn Containers


Create a FileSystem

cd /var/lib/machines
+# create a directory
+mkdir <container>
+# use pacstrap to create a file system
+pacstrap -i -c -d <container> base --ignore linux
+ +

First boot and create root password

systemd-nspawn -b -D <container>
+# if you want to nat the container add *-n* flag
+systemd-nspawn -b -D <container> -n
+# and to bind mount the package cache
+systemd-nspawn -b -D <container> -n --bind=/var/cache/pacman/pkg
+ +



On Arch, assuming you have systemd-networkd and systemd-resolved +set up correctly, networking from the host end of things should +just work.
+However on Linode it does not. What does work on Linode is to create +a bridge interface. Two files for br0 will get the job done.

# /etc/systemd/network/50-br0.netdev
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# /etc/systemd/network/50-br0.netdev
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Notice how the configuration file tells systemd-networkd to offer +DHCP service and to perform masquerade. You can modify the systemd-nspawn +command to use the bridge interface. Every container attached to this bridge +will be on the same subnet and able to talk to each other.

# first restart systemd-networkd to bring up the new bridge interface
+systemctl restart systemd-networkd
+# and add --network-bridge=br0 to systemd-nspawn command
+systemd-nspawn -b -D <container> --network-bridge=br0 --bind=/var/cache/pacman/pkg
+ +

Automatically Starting the Container


There are two ways to automate starting the container. You can override +systemd-nspawn@.service or create an nspawn file.


First enable machines.target

# to override the systemd-nspawn@.service file
+cp /lib/systemd/system/systemd-nspawn@.service /etc/systemd/system/systemd-nspawn@<container>.service
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Edit /etc/systemd/system/systemd-nspawn@<container>.service to add the systemd-nspawn options +you want to the ExecStart command.


Or create /etc/systemd/nspawn/<container>.nspawn

# /etc/systemd/nspawn/<container>.nspawn
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# in either case
+systemctl start/enable systemd-nspawn@<container>
+# to get a shell
+machinectl shell <container>
+# and then to get an environment
+ +

Initial Configuration Inside The Container

# set time zone if you don't want UTC
+timedatectl set-timezone <timezone>
+# enable ntp, networktime
+timedatectl set-ntp 1
+ +

If you want to change the locale

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