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<h1 id="debian-nspawn-container-on-arch-for-testing-apache-configurations">Debian Nspawn Container On Arch For Testing Apache Configurations</h1>
<p>Begin by exporting the environmental variable for your squid cacheing
proxy. If you're deboostrapping Debian file systems, the best way to
speed this up is with squid.</p>
<p>The ArchWiki page for nspawn containers has a
<a href="">Debian/Ubuntu subsection</a>
Obviously you're going to want to install debootstrap and debian-archive-keyring.</p>
<pre><code class="bash"># to create a Stretch Container
cd /var/lib/machines
mkdir &lt;container name&gt;
deboostrap stretch &lt;container name&gt;
<p>After some experimentation, perhaps this is the best time to write
the intended hostname into the container, and write any
apt-cacher or apt-cacher-ng proxies into /etc/apt/apt.conf
on the container.</p>
<pre><code class="bash">cp apt.conf /etc/apt/apt.conf
echo &quot;&lt;hostname&gt;&quot; &gt; /var/lib/machines/&lt;container name&gt;/etc/hostname
<p>And then start the container, and set the root password.</p>
<pre><code class="bash"># boot in interactive mode
systemd-nspawn -D &lt;container name&gt;
# set the passwd and logout
<p>Now we can boot the container in non-interactive mode, either
from the command line or using nspawn files. In either case
double check that the your bind mounts have the correct permissions
from inside the container.</p>
<pre><code class="bash"># for instance attached to a bridge interface br0
systemd-nspawn -b -D &lt;container name&gt; --network-bridge=br0
# or if you've set up a package cache
systemd-nspawn -b -D &lt;container name&gt; --network-bridge=br0 --bind=/var/cache/apt/archives
<p>Alternately, if you use an nspawn file, then you can use a command
similar to the following to start it, you'll first need to
boot the container from the command line and install dbus,
because <code>machinectl shell</code> and <code>machinectl login</code> won't work
without dbus. In this case use the following sequence of commands.</p>
<pre><code class="bash"># start the container and login as root
systemd-nspawn -b -D &lt;container name&gt; --network-bridge=br0
# bring up networking so you can install dbus
systemctl enable/start systemd-networkd
# this is also a good time to install and configure locale
apt install dbus locales
# to configure locale
dpkg-reconfigure locales
<p>After this you can start the container with systemd, when
using an nspawn file.</p>
<pre><code class="bash">systemctl start systemd-nspawn@&lt;container name&gt;
<pre><code class="text"># /etc/systemd/nspawn/&lt;container name&gt;.spawn
# Bind=/var/cache/apt/archives
<p>You can use tasksel to install a web-server.</p>
<pre><code class="bash"># apache2 will immediately be listening on port 80
tasksel install web-server
# enable mod ssl
a2enmod ssl ; systemctl restart apache2
# enable the default ssl test page
a2ensite default-ssl.conf ; systemctl reload apache2
<p>You'll be up and running with the default self-signed certs.</p>
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