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2020-12-15 00:17:03 -08:00
<p>date: 2019-01-25T01:02:57-08:00</p>
<h2 id="ranking-hugo-themes-by-stars-commit-date"><strong>Ranking Hugo Themes by Stars, Commit Date</strong></h2>
<p>A while back I was grazing the selfhosted subreddit, and noticed Hugo coming up in conversation.
I recalled that hugo requires a third-party theme in order to function. But was a bit of a challenge,
because how do you know what is a good Hugo theme?</p>
<h2 id="first-version-in-bash"><strong>First Version in Bash</strong></h2>
<p>I ended up writing a little bash script (now deprecated) that scrapes the Github api and generates a little report about Hugo themes.
It basically curled json from the Github api, and parsed it with grep, awk, and sed, and eventually spat out a plain text file.</p>
<h2 id="rewrite-in-python"><strong>Rewrite in Python</strong></h2>
<p>It was about a year later that I decided to rewrite the script in Python, using sqlite as a database.
I discovered how to use the python requests module, got some practice with sqlite,
and discovered how to make conditional request against the Github api using ETags and If-Modified-Since (ETags are easier).</p>
<p>But this was my first time using python like this. And I have to tell you,
<strong>its a lot moar fun than recursive fibonacci tutorials!</strong></p>
<h2 id="building-an-html5-table-bootstrap-actually"><strong>Building an HTML5 Table (bootstrap, actually)</strong></h2>
<p>By the time I had figured out how to collect the data I needed, I realized that I could simply generate an html table right in the python script.</p>
<p><code></code> runs in a cronjob every night, and you can view
<a href="" target="_blank">Hugo Themes Report</a> here.</p>
<p>And you can <a href="" target="_blank">see the script on Github</a>.</p>
2021-09-10 04:30:02 -07:00
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