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Faster Partitioning With sgdisk
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Command Line Is Faster
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gdisk vs sgdisk
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Example with Separate EFI and / Partitions
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Example with Separate /boot, EFI, and luks-encrypted / Partitions
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What About Swap?
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Example with 2GB swap partition
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Rewrite Hugo Themes Report in Python
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Command Line Is Faster
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gdisk vs sgdisk
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Example with Separate EFI and / Partitions
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Example with Separate /boot, EFI, and luks-encrypted / Partitions
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What About Swap?
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Example with 2GB swap partition
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< article class = "md-content__inner md-typeset" >
< h1 > Faster Partitioning With sgdisk< / h1 >
< p > date: 2019-02-11T04:23:52-08:00< / p >
< h2 id = "disclaimer" > < strong > Disclaimer< / strong > < / h2 >
< p > If any of this is wrong, let me know so I can fix it. No actual hard drives were harmed in the production of this blog post.< / p >
< p > The examples are easier to read if you turn your smart phone sideways.< / p >
< h2 id = "command-line-is-faster" > < strong > Command Line Is Faster< / strong > < / h2 >
< p > Sure you can partition your discs using a GUI disk management application or an interactive,
menu-driven terminal interface. But the command line is faster.< / p >
< h2 id = "gdisk-vs-sgdisk" > < strong > gdisk vs sgdisk< / strong > < / h2 >
< p > < code > sgdisk< / code > is the scriptable version of < code > gdisk< / code > (gptfdisk).< / p >
< h2 id = "what-the-manpage-says" > < strong > < a href = "https://manpages.debian.org/stretch/gdisk/sgdisk.8.en.html" target = "_blank" > what the manpage says< / a > < / strong > < / h2 >
< p > If you’ re familiar with < code > gdisk< / code > , you probably know how to interactively set the partition size and type.
If you look at the man page for < code > sgdisk< / code > you see that the relevant flags are < code > -n< / code > and < code > -t< / code > . The beginning and ending numbers
are absolute, unless you prepend them with a < code > +< / code > or < code > -< / code > sign, in which case they become relative.
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "gp" > #< / span > For New Partition:
< span class = "go" > -n, --new=partnum:start:end< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div >
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "gp" > #< / span > Change partition type:
< span class = "go" > -t, --typecode=partnum:{hexcode|GUID}< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / p >
< h2 id = "example-with-separate-efi-and-partitions" > < strong > Example with Separate EFI and / Partitions< / strong > < / h2 >
< p > BTW, < code > gdisk< / code > is a partitioning tool intended to be used with a gpt partition table, so the assumption is that you would want an efi partition,< / p >
< p > (although the efi partition does not have to be on the disk you are partitioning or even on the same disk where your other system partitions are).< / p >
< ol >
< li > Wipe any leftover filesystem metadata with wipefs.
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > wipefs --all /dev/sdx< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< li > Create a new GPT partition table.
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > sgdisk /dev/sdx -o< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< li > Create an efi partition of 512MB by specifying the end of the partition (relative) and the partition type, < code > ef00< / code > .
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > sgdisk /dev/sdx -n 1::+512MiB -t 1:ef00< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< li > Create an < code > /< / code > partition using the remainder of the disk, by not specifying the end or the beginning or partition type, which defaults to 8300.
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > sgdisk /dev/sdx -n 2< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< li > Format the efi partition fat 32.
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sdx1< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< li > Format the < code > /< / code > partition ext4.
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdx2< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< / ol >
< h2 id = "practice-with-a-sparse-image" > < strong > Practice With A Sparse Image< / strong > < / h2 >
< p > If you don’ t want to partition a real hard drive, you can practice using an sparse image file, instead.
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "gp" > #< / span > create a sparse image file
< span class = "go" > truncate -S 100G practiceImage.img< / span >
< span class = "gp" > #< / span > partition the image file with sgdisk
< span class = "go" > sgdisk practiceImage.img -o< / span >
< span class = "gp" > #< / span > etc
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / p >
< h2 id = "example-with-separate-boot-efi-and-luks-encrypted-partitions" > < strong > Example with Separate /boot, EFI, and luks-encrypted / Partitions< / strong > < / h2 >
< ol >
< li > Wipe any leftover filesystem metadata with < code > wipefs< / code > .
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > wipefs --all /dev/sdx< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< li > Create a new GPT partition table.
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > sgdisk /dev/sdx -o< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< li > Create an efi partition of 512MB by specifying the end of the partition (relative) and the partition type, < code > ef00< / code > .
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > sgdisk /dev/sdx -n 1::+512MiB -t 1:ef00< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< li > Create a < code > /boot< / code > partition of 1GB, by specifying the end of the partition (relative), but not specifying the partition type which defaults to < code > 8300< / code > .
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > sgdisk /dev/sdx -n 2::+1GiB< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< li > Create an < code > /< / code > partition using the remainder of the disk, by not specifying the end or the beginning or partition type, which defaults to < code > 8300< / code > .
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > sgdisk /dev/sdx -n 3< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< li > Format the efi partition fat 32.
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sdx1< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< li > Format the < code > /boot< / code > partition ext4.
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdx2< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< li > Encrypt the < code > /< / code > partition.
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > cryptsetup -y -v luksFormat --type luks2 /dev/sdx3< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< li > Decrypt the < code > /< / code > device.
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > cryptsetup open /dev/sdx3 cryptroot< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< li > Format the < code > /< / code > device.
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/cryptroot< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< / ol >
< h2 id = "what-about-swap" > < strong > What About Swap?< / strong > < / h2 >
< p > I prefer to use a swap file inside the luks-encrypted / partition. But you can make a separate swap partition if you like.< / p >
< h2 id = "example-with-2gb-swap-partition" > < strong > Example with 2GB swap partition< / strong > < / h2 >
< ol >
< li > Wipe the disc.
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > wipefs --all /dev/sdx< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< li > Create a new GPT partition table.
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > sgdisk /dev/sdx -o< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< li > Create an EFI partition.
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > sgdisk /dev/sdx -n 1::+512MiB -t 1:ef00< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< li > Create a < code > /boot< / code > partition.
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > sgdisk /dev/sdx -n 2::+1GiB< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< li > Create a < code > /< / code > partition with a relative negative end.
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > sgdisk /dev/sdx -n 3::-2GiB< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< li > Create a swap partion type < code > 8200< / code > .
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > sgdisk /dev/sdx -n 4 -t 4:8200< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< li > format the partitions.
< div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span > < / span > < code > < span class = "go" > mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sdx1< / span >
< span class = "go" > mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdx2< / span >
< span class = "go" > mkfs.xfs /dev/sdx3< / span >
< span class = "go" > mkswap /dev/sdx4< / span >
< / code > < / pre > < / div > < / li >
< / ol >
< h2 id = "conclusion" > < strong > Conclusion< / strong > < / h2 >
< ul >
< li > Good luck to you.< / li >
< li > Backup your data first.< /li>
< li > Kind Regards, Trent< / li >
< / ul >
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Clear Linux Guest Virt Manager
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LMDE3 xfs Full Disk Encryption
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