date: 2019-05-12T18:32:55-07:00

RaspberryPi is a Great MPD Appliance

I’m really pleased with the RaspberryPi as an MPD (music player daemon), appliance. I have it hooked up to the home surround-sound system via spdif, digital optical cable hat, btw, running Arch Linux ARM, with the / file system on a dual-thumbdrive, btrfs raid1 (mirror) device.

It plays music around the clock, reliably, without breaking a sweat. And the mpd daemon is easy to remote control, either from the command line with ncmpcpp, or using M.A.L.P for Android.

And/Or as an Internet Radio Streaming Client

The beauty of this setup it in the simplicity. All you have to do is create an plain text *m3u file with the address:port of the internet radio stream you want, and place that in /var/lib/mpd/playlists directory.

You can find various internet radio lists on the internet, and many offer example *m3u playlist files that you can download. However, the important thing is that your m3u playlist file has to contain the exact streaming address, so if the m3u file you download points to a pls file, you may have to download that pls file to look for the streaming address.