--- title: "SENDXMPPHandler for Python Logging" date: 2020-12-19 draft: false tags: ["Python","Logging","Flask","XMPP","SENDXMPP","logging.Handler"] authors: ["trent"] --- date: 2020-12-19 ## **SENDXMPPHandler for Python Logging** ## **app/\__init__.py** You may be familiar with adding a logging handler to a flask application, with something like the following in `__init__.py`. ## **app/sendxmpp_handler.py** python-logging doesn't have a handler for xmpp but the handlers that are available are easy enough to understand if you read through them in [handlers.py](https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Lib/logging/handlers.py){target=_blank}. Using the available handlers as an example, it did not require a lot of imagination to come up with SENDXMPPHandler. ## **Android Yaxim Screenshot** And this is what a flask logging error looks like on Android, in Yaxim. ![Yaxim Android Screenshot](https://gist.github.com/TrentSPalmer/adc541a6245d55e39edd10dab1001a88/raw/36f35a2d6c2c1c01633441542ff5d6ccb714c007/YaximAndroidScreenshot.png)