--- title: "LMDE3 xfs Full Disk Encryption" date: 2019-01-25T23:25:36-08:00 draft: false tags: ["linux-mint","disk-encryption"] authors: ["trent"] --- date: 2019-01-25T23:25:36-08:00 ## **Introduction** Linux Mint Debian Edition is the alternate version of Linux Mint, but built on a Debian base. The result is quite pleasant: the stability of desktop Debian, but with the rough edges polished smooth, nicely configured fonts and ui, and all the multi-media codecs included. Unfortunately, the LMDE 3 installer does not support disk encryption, but manually setting this up by hand is pretty straightforward. On the other hand, manually setting up your partitions by hand allows extra freedom and flexibility, and so I have chosen a simple luks-encrypted `/` partition formatted xfs. As far as swap is concerned, my preference is to use a swap file instead of a swap partition. Having a swap file instead of a swap partition is more flexible because obviously you can easily recreate a different size swap file whenever you like (or use none at all), and the encryption requires no extra set up because the `/` partition is encrypted anyway. Will this work with a dual-boot set up? Of course! Because you have to manually configure the partitions anyway, just arrange them exactly how you would need for dual-boot. Assumes uefi-configured boot, with separate partitions for `/boot` formatted ext4, `/boot/efi` formatted fat32, and a regular luks-encrypted partition for `/` formatted xfs. ## **Prepare The Installation Media** Visit the [Linux Mint Website](https://www.linuxmint.com/){target=_blank} and [download](https://www.linuxmint.com/edition.php?id=259){target=_blank} the iso file for LMDE 3 64bit. Download from torrents if possible, to save bandwidth. * verify the sha256 sum of the iso file ```console sha256sum lmde-3-201808-cinnamon-64bit.iso ``` Identify the thumb drive you are going to install from. * type `lsblk`, note the output, and then insert the thumb drive * then type `lsblk` again and note the *additional output* ```conf # lsblk /dev/sdb NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sdb 8:32 1 14.5G 0 disk ├─sdb1 8:33 1 3.4G 0 part /media/trent/Debian 9.6.0 amd64 └─sdb2 8:34 1 416K 0 part ``` In the above example output we see that our thumb drive is identified as `/dev/sdb`, and partition `/dev/sdb1` is automatically mounted. Take special care that you have accurately identified the thumb drive before proceeding. For the sake of example, we will proceed on the assumption that our thumb drive is identified as `/dev/sdb`, but you need to compensate accordingly. * unmount any partition of the thumb drive that are automatically mounted ```console umount /dev/sdb1 ``` * write the disk image to the thumb drive ```console ddrescue -D --force lmde-3-201808-cinnamon-64bit.iso /dev/sdb ``` ## **Boot The Install Disc** * boot into bios to disable fastboot and secureboot * invoke your machine's device boot menu and boot the install disc in uefi mode * confirm that you have booted in uefi mode by listing efivars ```console ls /sys/firmware/efi/vars ``` ## **Partition The Hard Drive** If you recall we are assuming the target hard drive is `/dev/sda`, as an example. So, make adjustments as necessary. If you would rather use a different partition tool, make sure the efi partition is an efi partition type, and you definitely need a separate `/boot` partition. 1. if needed you can clear the drive with wipefs ```console wipefs --all /dev/sda ``` 1. create a new partition table for `/dev/sda` ```console sgdisk /dev/sda -o ``` 1. create a new efi partition for `/dev/sda` ```console sgdisk /dev/sda --new=1::+512MiB --typecode=1:ef00 ``` 1. create a new `/boot` partition for `/dev/sda` ```console sgdisk /dev/sda --new=2::+1G ``` 1. create a new `/` partition for `/dev/sda` ```console sgdisk /dev/sda --new=3 ``` 1. verify your partition work ```console sgdisk /dev/sda -p ``` 1. format the efi partition ```console mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sda1 ``` 1. format the /boot partition ```console mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2 ``` 1. encrypt the `/` partition, you will be prompted for a password ```console cryptsetup -y -v luksFormat --type luks2 /dev/sda3 ``` 1. decrypt the `/` partition, you will be prompted for a password ```console cryptsetup open /dev/sda3 cryptroot ``` 1. format the `/` device ```console mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/cryptroot ``` ## **Mount The Hard Drive** This takes advantage of *expert mode* in the LMDE installer. 1. create an `/target` directory ```console mkdir /target ``` 1. mount the `/` device at `/target` ```console mount /dev/mapper/cryptroot /target ``` 1. create an `/target/boot` directory ```console mkdir /target/boot ``` 1. mount the `/boot` partition at `/target/boot` ```console mount /dev/sda2 /target/boot ``` 1. create an `/target/boot/efi` directory ```console mkdir /target/boot/efi ``` 1. mount the efi partition at `/target/boot/efi` ```console mount /dev/sda1 /target/boot/efi ``` ## **Run The Installer App** At this point you're ready to run the live installer. You can click the disc icon on the desktop. The first three pages of the live-installer cover Language,Timezone, and Keymap. The fourth page of the live-installer covers name, password, and hostname. On the fifth page of the live-installer, you come to a partition configuration page. But there is nothing to do, so select *expert mode* at the bottom of the page. Again select *forward*, and when you come to the page where you configure the location to install grub, that should be the efi partition, i.e. `/dev/sda1`. Select forward one more time, and then select install. The installation will run for a few minutes and will then pause. During the pause you need to manually configure `fstab` and `crypttab`. ## **Configure Fstab** 1. find the UUID of the efi partition ```console blkid /dev/sda1 -s UUID ``` 1. find the UUID of the `/boot` partition ```console blkid /dev/sda2 -s UUID ``` 1. find the UUID of the `/` device ```console blkid /dev/mapper/cryptroot -s UUID ``` And when you find the correct UUID numbers, use them to configure `/etc/fstab` which is actually currently at `/target/etc/fstab`. ```conf # /etc/fstab ############### # efi partition # run the command `blkid /dev/sda1 -s UUID` which outputs # /dev/sda1: UUID="17C4-215D", from which derive UUID=17C4-215D /boot/efi vfat defaults 0 2 # /boot partition # run the command `blkid /dev/sda2 -s UUID` which outputs # /dev/sda2: UUID="f2509fff-4854-4721-b546-0274c89e6aec", from which derive UUID=f2509fff-4854-4721-b546-0274c89e6aec /boot ext4 defaults 0 2 # "/" device # run the command `blkid /dev/mapper/cryptroot -s UUID` which outputs # /dev/mapper/cryptroot: UUID="72241377-cd65-43a6-8363-1afce5bd93f6", from which derive UUID=72241377-cd65-43a6-8363-1afce5bd93f6 / xfs defaults 0 1 ``` ## **Configure Crypttab** But before the file systems can be mounted, `crypttab` needs to mount `/dev/sda3` at `/dev/mapper/cryptroot`. Configure `/etc/crypttab` which is actually currently at `/target/etc/crypttab` 1. find the UUID of the partition that will be mounted at `/dev/mapper/crypttab` ```console blkid /dev/sda3 -s UUID ``` And when you find the correct UUID number for `/dev/sda3`, use that to configure `/etc/crypttab` which is actually currently at `/target/etc/crypttab`. ```conf # /etc/crypttab # run the command `blkid /dev/sda3 -s UUID` which outputs # /dev/sdb3: UUID="da3e0967-711f-4159-85ac-7d5743a75201", from which derive # cryptroot UUID=da3e0967-711f-4159-85ac-7d5743a75201 none luks ``` ## **Resume Installer App** At this point finish running the live installer, and you'll be done. ## **UEFI Fix** On some machines, such as HP Laptops, UEFI is broken and efi boot entries don't persist. 1. remount the efi parition ```console mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ ; cd /mnt/EFI/ ``` 1. create a default efi executable ```console mkdir BOOT ; cp linuxmint/grubx64.efi BOOT/BOOTX64.efi ``` ## **Optional Swap File** Visit the [Arch Wiki](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Swap#Swap_file){target=_blank} and they will hook you up.