--- title: "Test QRCODE Svg in Django" date: 2021-04-19 draft: false tags: ["django", "python", "testing", "pillow", "beautifulsoup", "opencv", "cairosvg", "pyotp"] authors: ["trent"] --- date: 2021-04-19 ## **Introduction** I worked out a solution in django-testing, for testing a view that renders a qrcode as an svg as an inline svg xml string. In case you are not familiar with [svg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scalable_Vector_Graphics){target=_blank}, scalable vector graphics, it is an image that is completely rendered from a [string](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/String_(computer_science)){target=_blank} of text, or more accurately [XML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML){target=_blank} text, unlike [PNG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Network_Graphics){target=_blank} or [JPG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG){target=_blank}, which are [binary file](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_file){target=_blank}s. ### Python Libraries Used * [BeautifulSoup](https://pypi.org/project/beautifulsoup4/){target=_blank} to consume html * [CairoSVG](https://pypi.org/project/CairoSVG/){target=_blank} to convert svg to png * [python-pillow](https://pypi.org/project/Pillow/){target=_blank} to convert transparent png background to white * [opencv-python](https://pypi.org/project/opencv-python/){target=_blank} to extract data from qrcode * [python-pyotp](https://pypi.org/project/pyotp/){target=_blank} ## **Form ScreenShot** This is the form we will be testing. In real life you would confirm that you want to use [two-factor-authentication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-factor_authentication){target=_blank} by scanning the qrcode with an [authentication app](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.shadowice.flocke.andotp){target=_blank} on your smartphone, and then enter the [time-based one-time password](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time-based_One-Time_Password){target=_blank}. totp codes are derived from two things and two things only. A secret key and a time such as the current time. For instance, an authentication application can tell you what your totp code is, but of course in this testing scenario we use [python-pyotp](https://pypi.org/project/pyotp/){target=_blank}, after extracting the secret key from the qrcode.
enable totp confirmation form
!["ScreenShot of a confirmation form for enabling totp (in a django app)"]( ../../photos/IMG_screenshot_enable_totp_confirmation_form.jpg){: .center } ## **Import Python Libraries** ```python # tp/accounts/tests/test_enable_totp_view.py # python manage.py test accounts.tests.test_enable_totp_view from django.test import TestCase from django.contrib.auth.models import User from accounts.models import Account from django.urls import reverse from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import cv2 from cairosvg import svg2png from PIL import Image import pyotp import pathlib ``` The Account model has a one-to-one relationship with the Django built-in User model. This is where we keep track of the totp secret key and boolean value for having totp authentication enabled. ## **setUp TestCase** ```python ... import pathlib class TestEnableTOTPViewTestCase(TestCase): def setUp(self): user_a = User.objects.create( username='user_a') user_a.set_password('password_user_a') user_a.save() Account.objects.create(user=user_a) ``` We create a test user and save that in the test database. ## **GET Form** ```python class TestEnableTOTPViewTestCase(TestCase): ... def test_enable_totp_view(self): self.client.login( username='user_a', password='password_user_a' ) get_response = self.client.get( reverse('accounts:enable_totp') ) self.assertEquals( get_response.status_code, 200 ) self.assertTemplateUsed( get_response, 'accounts/totp_form.html' ) self.assertEquals( get_response.request['PATH_INFO'], '/accounts/enable-totp/' ) ``` The TestCase requires two requests. In the first request we GET the form so that we can consume the qrcode. ## **Consume SVG with BeautifulSoup** ```python class TestEnableTOTPViewTestCase(TestCase): ... def test_enable_totp_view(self): ... soup = BeautifulSoup( get_response.content, features="lxml" ) svg_container = soup.find( "div", {"id": "svgcontainer"} ) self.assertIsNotNone(svg_container) scsvg = svg_container.findChild( "svg", recursive=False ) self.assertIsNotNone(scsvg) with open('qr.svg', 'w') as f: x_string = "\n" f.write(x_string + str(scsvg)) ``` The inline xml for the svg comes to us as a child of a `div` with an `id` of *svgcontainer*. We capture the xml of the svg in the variable `scsvg`, and then write it out to disc. ## **svg2png** ```python class TestEnableTOTPViewTestCase(TestCase): ... def test_enable_totp_view(self): ... svg2png( url='qr.svg', write_to='qr.png', scale=8 ) ``` With svg2png from CairoSVG, we convert the svg to png format. Opencv seems unable to consume the qrcode unless you scale it up. ## **Add White Background** ```python class TestEnableTOTPViewTestCase(TestCase): ... def test_enable_totp_view(self): ... t_image = Image.open('qr.png') t_image.load() background = Image.new( "RGB", t_image.size, (255, 255, 255) ) background.paste( t_image, mask=t_image.split()[3] ) background.save( 'qr.jpg', "JPEG", quality=100 ) ``` We use Image from python-pillow to change the background from transparent to white. Opencv seems unable to consume the qrcode when it has a transparent background. ## **Extract Data From QRCODE** ```python class TestEnableTOTPViewTestCase(TestCase): ... def test_enable_totp_view(self): ... image = cv2.imread('qr.jpg') qr_det = cv2.QRCodeDetector() qrdata = qr_det.detectAndDecode(image) totp_code = pyotp.TOTP( pyotp.parse_uri(qrdata[0]).secret ).now() ``` * `qrdata[0]` will be the *otpauth_uri*. * `pyotp.parse_uri(qrdata[0]).secret` is the secret key. * `totp_code` is the one-time password. ## **POST the `totp_code`** ```python class TestEnableTOTPViewTestCase(TestCase): ... def test_enable_totp_view(self): ... totp_code = pyotp.TOTP( pyotp.parse_uri(qrdata[0]).secret ).now() response = self.client.post( reverse('accounts:enable_totp'), {'totp_code': totp_code}, follow=True ) self.assertEquals( response.status_code, 200 ) self.assertTemplateUsed( response, 'base_form.html' ) self.assertEquals( response.request['PATH_INFO'], '/accounts/edit-profile/' ) user_a = User.objects.get( username='user_a' ) self.assertTrue(user_a.account.use_totp) self.assertEquals( len(user_a.account.totp_key), 16 ) pathlib.Path('qr.svg').unlink() pathlib.Path('qr.png').unlink() pathlib.Path('qr.jpg').unlink() ``` Post the `totp_code` back to the form, and then verify that the database is updated, and then delete the image files. ## **Complete TestCase** ```python # tp/accounts/tests/test_enable_totp_view.py # python manage.py test accounts.tests.test_enable_totp_view from django.test import TestCase from django.contrib.auth.models import User from accounts.models import Account from django.urls import reverse from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import cv2 from cairosvg import svg2png from PIL import Image import pyotp class TestEnableTOTPViewTestCase(TestCase): # setUP TestCase def setUp(self): user_a = User.objects.create( username='user_a') user_a.set_password('password_user_a') user_a.save() Account.objects.create(user=user_a) def test_enable_totp_view(self): self.client.login( username='user_a', password='password_user_a' ) # GET Form get_response = self.client.get( reverse('accounts:enable_totp') ) self.assertEquals( get_response.status_code, 200 ) self.assertTemplateUsed( get_response, 'accounts/totp_form.html' ) self.assertEquals( get_response.request['PATH_INFO'], '/accounts/enable-totp/' ) # Consume SVG with BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup( get_response.content, features="lxml" ) svg_container = soup.find( "div", {"id": "svgcontainer"} ) self.assertIsNotNone(svg_container) scsvg = svg_container.findChild( "svg", recursive=False ) self.assertIsNotNone(scsvg) with open('qr.svg', 'w') as f: x_string = "\n" f.write(x_string + str(scsvg)) # svg2png svg2png( url='qr.svg', write_to='qr.png', scale=8 ) # add white background t_image = Image.open('qr.png') t_image.load() background = Image.new( "RGB", t_image.size, (255, 255, 255) ) background.paste( t_image, mask=t_image.split()[3] ) background.save( 'qr.jpg', "JPEG", quality=100 ) # extract data from qrcode image = cv2.imread('qr.jpg') qr_det = cv2.QRCodeDetector() qrdata = qr_det.detectAndDecode(image) totp_code = pyotp.TOTP( pyotp.parse_uri(qrdata[0]).secret ).now() totp_code = pyotp.TOTP( pyotp.parse_uri(qrdata[0]).secret ).now() # POST the `totp_code` response = self.client.post( reverse('accounts:enable_totp'), {'totp_code': totp_code}, follow=True ) self.assertEquals( response.status_code, 200 ) self.assertTemplateUsed( response, 'base_form.html' ) self.assertEquals( response.request['PATH_INFO'], '/accounts/edit-profile/' ) user_a = User.objects.get( username='user_a' ) self.assertTrue(user_a.account.use_totp) self.assertEquals( len(user_a.account.totp_key), 16 ) pathlib.Path('qr.svg').unlink() pathlib.Path('qr.png').unlink() pathlib.Path('qr.jpg').unlink() ```