Title: SuperBlue English Lavender
Date: 2021-06-15
Category: Plant Of The Week
Tags: Lavender, Aromatic, Edible, Baking, Sun, Drainage
Summaryimage: superblue-english-lavender.jpg
We are in love with the smell of the SuperBlue English Lavender
(Lavendula angustifolia
’). These early blooming deep purple
lavender are compact plants with a long 12” stem, perfect for bouquets
and lavender wands.
Lavendula angustifolia are easy to maintain as a
compact lavender by shearing back 2/3 of the plant in fall; they don
get as woody as French lavender. SuperBlue lavender is also edible,
and can be used in making teas, cookies, jams, and other yummy treats.
SuperBlue, like all lavender need full sun and good drainage to thrive.
Please see one of our favorite bloggers, Teighan Gerard of
Half Baked Havest{target=_blank}, for some
💜wonderful Lavender recipes{target=_blank}.
Our SuperBlue English Lavender is 15% off this week at only $6.83 for a #1 plant.